Session Ministry Team
Elders Tina Antram, Co-chair
Chuck Edinger, Co-Chair
Ensure that Sunday worship services, special worship services, and the administration of the Sacraments, are all conducted in a proper, well ordered and Bible based manner that creates a worshipful environment and extends a welcome and hospitality to all who enter our doors.
Session Ministry Team
Elder Joyce Short, Chair
Ensure that all members and attendees are given the opportunity to grow in their faith and become
better equipped to serve the Lord through Bible-based Sunday school classes, small group Bible studies and other Christian educational programs.
Session Ministry Team
Elder Mary Ellen Kilbride, Chair
Ensure that VPC’s mission outreach efforts are properly managed and aligned with our goal of
continuing Christ’s work in the world.
Session Ministry Team
Elder Mike Schuyler, Chair
Pam Thompson
Jim Lindquist
Ensure that the church finances are being properly managed by the Office Administrator, ensure that
the Session is kept informed of the overall church finances and facilitate the development and approval of the annual church budget and annual stewardship campaign.
Session Ministry Team
Elder Pam Thompson, Chair
Chuck Edinger
Jim Lindquist
The primary role of the Personnel Team is the care and nurture of the church staff, serving as a support system for the staff, and oversight of staff administration.
Session Ministry Team
Elder Jim Lindquist, Chair
Bob Pettit
Ensure all church buildings and property are appropriately managed and maintained, as well as insured in accordance with the Presbytery’s insurance requirements.
Session Subcommittee
Mike Schuyler
Jim Lindquist
Tina Antram
Ensure the long term sustainability of the Community Food Pantry, while
also maintaining the proper balance between this core mission and the church's other primary objectives, including worship, leading people
to Christ, and providing access to God's Word and insight into how to apply His Word to our lives.
Deacon Ministry Team
Deacon Lynn Lemon, Chair
Ensure that members in need are being cared for physically and spiritually.
Deacon Ministry Team
Deacon Brenda DeBoer, Chair
Create opportunities for members to have fun together, get to know each other better and to attract
others to VPC and to Jesus Christ.
Deacon Ministry Team
Deacon Michael Turner, Chair
Welcome and assimilate
new members into VPC.
Elder Tina Antram, Chair
Bob Pettit, Recorder
Ensure that all open positions on the Session, the Board of Deacons, the Nominating Committee and ad hoc committees as appropriate (i.e. PNC) are prayerfully and properly filled.
Village Presbyterian Church
13115 S. Village Drive, Tampa, FL 33618, 813-961-4115
Pastor jimmy cazin
Copyright © 2023 Village Presbyterian Church - All Rights Reserved.
Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 9 am-3 pm